What is a Pinched Nerve?
A pinched nerve is where one of the spinal nerves is compressed leading to a decrease in the vital life sustaining signals a nerve carries. The condition can affect the important messages your brain sends to all the organs, tissues, and cells of the body. This condition can have long term effects such as radiculopathy, sciatica, inflammation, tissue swelling, pressure, and even scarring around the nerve r
How Causes a Pinched Nerve?
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What Symptoms would a Pinched Nerve Cause?
What Are my Treatment Options?
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Dr. Marc Gottlieb
Are you looking for a chiropractor Hillcrest? Dr. Marc Gottlieb specializes in children’s conditions including ADHD, ear infections, autism, colic, acid reflux, and asthma. Dr. Gottlieb’s pain management system concentrates on the nervous system and its relation to pain management through enhanced chiropractic techniques. Additionally, Dr. Gottlieb works with athletes to enhance their performance through chiropractic as well as people that have pain from auto accidents and trauma. If you’re looking for a Hillcrest Chiropractor, Dr. Gottlieb is one of the most well-recognized chiropractor San Diego.